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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for SketchParty TV

Discover all you need to know about SketchParty TV, the fun and interactive drawing and guessing party game, with this FAQ page. Want to know how to download the game? How to play SketchParty TV with friends and family? This FAQ will provide answers to common questions and help you get the most out of your SketchParty TV experience. Whether you're new to the game or have been playing for years, this page has something for everyone. Let's dive in and find out more about SketchParty TV!

What is SketchParty TV?

SketchParty TV is a fun and interactive drawing and guessing party game for Apple TV. Players split into two teams, and players on each team take turns drawing and guessing words and phrases, competing to earn the most points.

How do I download SketchParty TV?

SketchParty TV can be downloaded from the App Store on your iOS device (iPhone or iPad) and on your Apple TV. Simply search for "SketchParty TV" and select the app to begin the download.

How many players can play SketchParty TV at once?

SketchParty TV supports up to eight players per team, making it perfect for group gatherings and parties.

Can SketchParty TV be played with just one iPad or iPhone?

Yes, SketchParty TV is a pass-and-play game, meaning it can be played with just one iPad or iPhone for all players to take turns drawing and guessing. No additional devices are required, making it perfect for family get-togethers, classrooms, and parties with friends. All you need is one device and a group of friends or family to join in on the fun.

What types of words and phrases can be drawn in SketchParty TV?

SketchParty TV includes a variety of categories, such as movies, sports, pop culture, kids mode, and emoji, so there's something for everyone to draw and guess.

Are there different gameplay options in SketchParty TV?

Yes, SketchParty TV offers several gameplay options, including number of rounds, words per player, and time per word, as well as reading correctly guessed words using text-to-speech.

Can I save my drawings from SketchParty TV?

Yes, SketchParty TV allows you to save your drawings from Past Games, where you can share them with friends via message and email.

How do I contact support for SketchParty TV?

If you need help with SketchParty TV, please visit the Support page on our website.

What is the minimum iOS version required to run SketchParty TV?

The minimum iOS version required to run SketchParty TV is 13.1

What is the minimum tvOS version required to run the Apple TV version of SketchParty TV?

The minimum tvOS version required to run SketchParty TV is 12.0

What is the privacy policy for SketchParty TV?

You can find the privacy policy for SketchParty TV on the Privacy Policy page on our website here.

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